With all the celebrities and influencers going crazy over a treatment, Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) seems to be the new rage in the skincare world. It is also known as microneedling, the sought-after treatment among those interested in shrinking their pores, vanishing hyperpigmentation, diminishing wrinkles, or simply wanting that glow back. CIT is a minimally-invasive skin rejuvenation treatment that addresses skin concerns on the face and body.
The treatment uses tiny needles or micro-needles on a medical-grade roller that is moved over the skin to create minor, evenly-spaced puncture wounds on the skin. This method stimulates natural collagen production in the body by generating a wound healing response. When creating microscopic punctures in the skin, the roller is much like a fine tattooing needle, so it should cause minimal trauma.
What Does Collagen Induction Therapy Address?
This exceptional treatment often addresses age spots, sun damage, acne, and scarring. CIT for stretch marks has also been quite promising. While regular micro-needling is quite effective in and of itself, those who need a bit of a boost can benefit from including plasma.
Below is the range of different skin issues that CIT addresses:
- Acne and Acne Scarring
- Aging Skin
- Hair Loss
- Hyperpigmentation
- Skin Rejuvenation
- Sun Damage
- Under-Eye Circles
- Wrinkles and Fine Lines
What Benefits Does Collagen Induction Therapy Provide?
Collagen induction therapy, also known as micro-needling, provides top benefits, which include:
Eliminates Fine Lines And Wrinkles
Many are struggling with premature aging in the modern-day world due to photoaging, pollution, environmental damage, and harmful makeup products. CIT or microneedling creates microscopic injuries in the skin that promote collagen production and skin elasticity and eliminate fine lines in a few sessions. The result will reveal skin that looks youthful, plump, and juicy.
Scar Removal Treatment
It works as a scar removal treatment, in which the production of collagen is amazingly helpful in treating acne marks and other spots on the skin. For those struggling with spotty skin, collagen induction therapy is a must-try. However, this treatment is not suitable for keloid scars.
Reverse Sun Damage
The sun’s harmful UV rays can be detrimental to the skin’s health. Dullness, pigmentation, skin tan, sun spots, uneven skin tone, and premature aging are the most common signs of sun damage. CIT or microneedling is highly effective in reversing photodamage and reviving the skin’s health.
Anti-Aging Treatment
CIT works wonders to achieve the goal of preserving youthfulness. The skin loses collagen and elasticity with age, the primary cause of aging skin. CIT or microneedling reverses the aging process.
Reduced Pore Size
Since CIT or micro-needling creates microscopic injuries that boost the collagen production around the pores, the skin becomes tighter, and pore size shrinks. To minimize the appearance of pores, CIT is one of the most effective treatments that’s highly suggested.
Assists Topical Treatments Or Products
CIT or microneedling can help get the most out of the skincare routine. Post-microneedling is the prime time to apply great skincare treatments, such as serums, creams, moisturizers, and gels. These products penetrate the deeper layers of the skin and bring about the best results.
Reduced Stretchmarks
Most people assume that microneedling treatment is only reserved for the face, but it can also be done to any body part. If struggling with stretch marks on any part of the belly, arms, legs, butt, or another body part, getting collagen induction therapy will work wonders.
Rosacea Treatment
Collagen-boosting treatment works amazingly with rosacea, which is known to rapidly break down the collagen in the skin. Over time, it will also cure irritated and inflamed skin. Typically, skin specialists combine microneedling with topical treatments to treat rosacea effectively.
Acne Mark Removal
Microneedling treats acne scars or rigid marks in a few sessions. It is also effective in balancing out acne-prone skin as it increases the efficacy of topical acne treatments. However, some professional providers do not recommend it for people with active acne.
Less Invasive Treatment
CIT or microneedling treatment is less invasive for those afraid of skin peeling post chemical peels or other invasive treatment options requiring intensive downtime.
What’s The Procedure Like?
The dermatologist creates small pricks under the skin using a pen-like tool during the microneedling procedure. These pinpricks are so small that patients likely won’t notice them after the procedure. The dermatologist will move the tool evenly across the skin so that the new skin that rejuvenates will be even.
Before getting started, the dermatologist will use a topical anesthetic to reduce the chances of pain. This is done about an hour before the treatment, while the actual microneedling process takes approximately 30 minutes. The dermatologist may then apply a serum or calming treatment.
How Long Does The Result Show?
Many clients notice results after their very first treatment, but typically, this is in the form of a relaxed glow. These fast results make sense since the circulation in their face is activated from the treatment. But to see full results, it is recommended to schedule a session of 3 treatments 30 days apart.
What Is The Recovery Time?
After the first treatment, the skin might redden and swell, which is normal. This is because the tool used in CIT or microneedling temporarily irritates the blood capillaries in the skin. However, this noticeable swelling and inflammation usually subside within one or two days.
In addition, the skin might feel dry or sensitive to touch after a Collagen Induction Therapy facial, which only lasts about three days.
What Are The Possible Side Effects?
CIT or microneedling is a very safe procedure, but it also has pros and cons. One thing to be careful about is the unlikely chance of developing hyperpigmentation. This is usually the result of immediate, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight too soon after the facial.
Moreover, few patients may experience some of the side effects listed below:
- Some patients experience swelling in the treated area during the recovery phase.
- Some patients develop infections, especially those who are prone to cold sores.
- Patients may experience mild acne flares.
- Some patients develop milia which can be removed easily.
The Bottom Line
Collagen Induction Therapy, also known as Microneedling, has been around for a while and offers great results. Many people use it to improve wrinkles, stretch marks, acne, or scar appearance. Sherisse Hill Aesthetic Derm (SHADe) offers Collagen Induction Therapy that combines two therapies, Rejuvapen Microneedling + Natural Growth Factor Injection, to supercharge your facial treatment. The small punctures created by microneedling provide the perfect place to inject the Natural Growth Factor Injection into your face, thereby reversing the aging of your skin and producing a healthy glow.